From underground to international DJ: MESSIE

MESSIE was one of Aotearoa’s talented underground DJs before Fred again.. took notice. Remix chatted to MESSIE about her insane journey so far & what’s to come next.

via @tessiemessie

Can you tell us about your journey into music and what inspired you to become a DJ?

I began my music journey at 15, teaching myself drums, then guitar, and later little producing compositions at school. I enjoyed it & wanted to expand my skills so I pursued music technology at Massey University & took any opportunity to explore. I started attending DJ gigs and saw so many women & non-binary DJs & thought, “This is something I could express myself through”, so I gave it a go. I borrowed my friend’s decks during lockdown and taught myself.

When did you decide you wanted to make DJing a career?

After a year of gigs, I decided to pursue DJing as a career. By the end of 2023 it had started picking up & I had secured my first slot on George FM & a slot at RNV. I had just finished uni & had committed to fully diving into DJing & giving it my best shot. I’ve always had the mindset that before turning 25, I wanted to give everything my best while I had little responsibilities- so I was prepared to give DJing my all and see what happened

via @tessiemessie

Your journey has been so crazy... How’d you react when Fred reached out to play at the Tavern?

He started following me on Instagram, and within 15 minutes, I received my first message from Fred. I had applied for his local DJ slot earlier that day but had forgotten about it - I didn’t think there was any chance it would be me. For 10 minutes after his follow, I was wondering... why, how, what was about to happen, how he knew me. He messaged saying, “Yo, your stuff sounds hard. Can you get to the Tavern by tomorrow?” I was so shocked & lost for words, I remember my friends and I screaming & celebrating.

And then when Fred invited you to Aussie with him? How’d you feel before playing?

When Fred asked me to come to Perth, I agreed on the spot. Every time he asked me anything - it was a yes, whatever you need. The week before playing was intense, everything was happening so fast and I knew I’d feel quite overwhelmed. I focused on staying present and embracing the moment, fighting those feelings in the most natural way. I knew my life was going to change completely & I just needed to enjoy the moment - it was the craziest day of my whole life. My friend is big on meditation and led a session in the green room which helped me calm down. My friends could also read me & knew when I needed hype. I needed one moment by myself so I went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and was like, “You’ve got this, you’ve prepared your whole life for this”- well it felt like that for sure. Then I went out there in front of 35,000 people and did the same thing I always do, just with a different view and a lot of adrenaline behind me. It was so much fun. 

via @tessiemessie

It looks like your life has been on fast-forward ever since - can you describe your biggest *pinch me* moment so far?

I've just done so much in four months, it's beenabsolutely nuts. Although I’m used to a fast-paced lifestyle & I love taking opportunities, nothing could really prepare me for it. Perth was a major highlight - it was Fred’s longest set ever played & there were so many crazy moments with my friends. We all knew how insane it was and were just taking it in, there was so much love on that stage. Recently, at Glastonbury, I spent time with Fred’s team and watching Coldplay was surreal. Their songs are so nostalgic and beautiful - I was really living in that moment. Seeing the massive crowd and realising I’d made it to this point, I just couldn’t believe I was there, hanging out with Fred, I was wondering “What have I done in my life to get me to this point?”

What is your process like when producing a track or preparing for a set?

In my creative process, when producing a track, I like to be curious. Often the best things are happy accidents. I experiment and it ends up being something I wouldn’t usually expect, I find the sounds that make you react like that are often what resonate with people. When preparing for a set, I usually prepare on the day. I used to play an entirely new set every time, but the sets started building up fast. Now I use a mix of staple songs, my own songs, and new songs, organised by Key or BPM. It's important that the set is a journey, so I usually start with Afrobeat and end up around Jungle.

via @tessiemessie

What are your goals for the future, both short-term and long-term?

Next on the list that would be a big deal for me is a Boiler Room set & an international tour. I’d also love to have a discography that never misses & be known as a DJ & Producer who is guaranteed to have a good selection & great taste. I want to be respected as a musician, especially amidst the crazy hype around Fred in Australia and NZ - I just want to be seen as actually good at my craft.

Can you give us some insight into the creation of your remix of ‘Places to Be’ & how it feels to finally have your first-ever release out in the world?

Fred gave me the track to debut in Perth, and it was incredible to be the first to play it. I loved the song too much & asked for the stems to create edits, wanting to get more into producing - which he encouraged. I made a Jungle remix & played it during my NZ tour & it was really cool, but it was short & unfinished. I got a text from Fred asking for me to send it to him before his show with Skrillex that evening, that gave me a massive push to finish it & I was like, “Okay let me finish this as fast as I possibly can & get it mixed & mastered.” He was super busy playing at the Colosseum & I don’t think he even opened it - which is fair enough, but after Glastonbury, he listened, loved it & decided to release it. It was surreal to have it out, I never thought anything like this would happen so soon - I’m honestly just over the moon about it. I cried & there’s a lot to process but it’s very special to have that out as my first one, especially considering the whole journey of it all.

