The International Cloudy Bay Pinot & Duck Tasting Trail
May marks the start of duck shooting season but if sitting in a cold damp maimai with your Remington 12 gauge, whilst wearing your camouflage onesie, is not for you, the International Cloudy Bay Pinot & Duck Tasting Trail most certainly will be.
For the month of May, 25 top chefs around the country are offering signature duck dishes designed to perfectly complement the 2013 Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir or the 2011 Te Wahi Central Otago Pinot Noir.

Head along to any of the participating restaurants this month - including Oyster & Chop, The Pullman Hotel, Monsoon Poon, Vivace, The Grove, Baduzzi, NSP, Sails Restaurant, Habourside, White and Wong, Botswana Butchery and Bellini at The Hilton Hotel - to try their signature duck creations, and if you share your experience on Facebook, you'll be in to win the chance to continue the trail at another participating restaurant with a restaurant voucher to the value of $200.
Enter by uploading a picture of your favourite duck dish to Facebook and tagging it with #pinotandducknz and #cloudybaynz.
Head here for more info.