Meet Monique Bolland, the woman and the mission behind nuzest

“It all began with a very personal story,” says Trevor Bolland, co-founder of Nuzest. “We did not start with any grand plan in mind. The objective was purely and simply to create a couple of high-quality products that had efficacy and that people could trust. My personal agenda was to produce a daily multi-nutrient that I believed would benefit Monique.” 

The Monique in question is Monique Bolland, co-founder of Nuzest and Trevor’s daughter. Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at just 22 years old, it was her struggle that  sparked an impetus within him to investigate the power of nutrition, and began a lifelong passion for health and life-balance that continues for the pair today. 

The incurable autoimmune disease of the central nervous system turned the lives of a young Monique her and her family upside down, with the early signs being felt when she was traveling in Europe with friends at twenty years old. “I had numb fingers and a few strange moments over the years,” she explains, “but it wasn’t until I had a colonoscopy for suspected coeliac disease that the disease was finally diagnosed.” She struggled to recover from the anaesthetic, with numbness manifesting in her left arm, “and then a few days later I went to cut something in the kitchen and slipped and cut straight into my arm. I felt nothing.” Her concerned chiropractor sent her for an MRI, “and there was no question – I had MS”.

Given the seriousness of the condition and the lack of cure, her father became dedicated to looking for methods that would help preserve his daughter’s baseline health, giving her the best possible chance to battle the disease. “He turned to me and said no, you’re not going to end up in a wheelchair. He went head on into exploring natural therapies and preventative solutions, and I travelled to the Bahamas and a naturopathic clinic in Texas to be treated using some very exciting, advanced therapies.” These included live blood analysis, where Monique could see immediately the impact that daily lifestyle changes were having on her blood cells and baseline wellness. “I bought some of those more left of field treatments back to Sydney,” she explains, “and put them into a very luxurious, day spa setting called Alkaline.”

At the same time, the pair began to create what would become Nuzest. “Dad and I saw an opportunity to improve on what was already available in the market; to create products that would genuinely support people’s health,” she says, “not just read well on the labels.” At the time Monique says she was the healthiest she’s ever been, “but I was taking around 30 tablets a day, which just isn’t good for your digestive system.” The nucleus for what would become Good Green Vitality, their first ever product, was born.

As the pair joined forces and launched Nuzest, Trevor called upon some of the many contacts he had made since Monique’s diagnosis, including a team of health practitioners and PhD scientists to assist with the formulation. “We ask them to throw everything at each product, as if money were no object.” The first was Good Green Vitality, a nutritional superblend formulated to address all aspects of health. The powder contains no less than 75 ingredients working together to support everything from digestion, immunity, and healthy ageing, to stress, energy, and cognition in one daily serve. Next up was Clean Lean Protein, and the newly launched Plant Protein Plus formulas, which come with added extras.

She says that what helps Nuzest’s product cut through the supplement noise is transparency, “we disclose everything, and there is nothing that’s in a product that’s not on the label – and vice versa. Our ingredients are also carefully chosen for their efficacy and bioavailability,” which is where many of their competitors fall short. What began as a father and daughter looking for solutions has grown into a global company today, formulating supportive nutrition for all and improving the lives of thousands each and every day.
