Kim DeJesus' Take on Colours

What is life without colour? Remix editor in chief, Amber, caught up with L.A contemporary artist Kim DeJesus to determine whether the rich bright colours used in her playful works reflect her personality...

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Summarise your art style in one sentence.

My work is abstract, vibrant, ritualistic, and exploratory, balancing intention with spontaneity to convey both tension and exuberance.

Tell us a little bit about your creative process?

My creative process is rooted in ritualistic practices that guide me into my work. I begin with mixing and organising paints, followed by a deliberate act of disrupting the canvas. I engage with the work very physically and embrace the unknown to allow for a balance between what I can control and what I cannot. While my work is abstract, gestures often hint at recurring forms that I later classify and organise. I use layers of washes, and also remove material from the surface. Sometimes I cut up and reassemble paintings, merging old and new compositions to unravel the interconnectedness of memories and the fragmented nature of personal narratives.

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Is your personal life as colourful as your artwork?

My life is a pretty vibrant tapestry of emotions and experiences. I’m a very free-spirited and passionate person who thrives on exploring the world. I try to infuse magic into the ordinary when I can, and I love to discover gems of beauty in unexpected places.

Are there any colours you don’t like...?

I do gravitate to certain hues and colour combinations, but I don’t dislike the essence of any colour. Colour interactions can be very intense, evoking all kinds of wanted or unwanted states of mind. But the beauty of a colour can always be traced back to its natural origin, and all colours have something to offer. A seemingly dull colour, for instance, can be transformed into a captivating visual element in a painting when juxtaposed with another hue. It’s the arrangement and combination of colours in art, design, and fashion that resonate or not. The appeal of a colour lies in how it is utilised.

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What do you love about your generation?

I deeply value having grown up without the influence of social media. Instead of being glued to screens, my childhood was filled with outdoor adventures. This carefree and active upbringing instilled a sense of freedom and connection to nature that I hold dear. I’m also proud to be part of a generation that began to break social and familial expectations of women's roles in society. I was raised to believe my future would be relegated to family life and careers in service roles, but my generation started to break free from these stereotypes. I became an art teacher initially, and I believe teachers are our country’s most influential workforce, but I gradually learned to listen to my inner voice that longed to be an independent artist.

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What do you love most about living in LA?

Living in Los Angeles is a dynamic experience. One of the things I cherish most about this city is its forward-thinking nature. The energy of collaboration and the exchange of wild concepts and conversations make it inspiring to live here. I also love that Los Angeles is a blend of urban excitement and natural beauty. Living here is pretty dreamy.

What do you love to do when you’re not creating art?

I love being in nature and practising meditation, and I enjoy a great dinner out with friends. I love to go to Malibu and stay at my dear friend’s house. But above all, my greatest joy comes from being a mother and spending time with my son. We have so much fun together, and he is the star of my universe. Every moment with him is a gift, and in one way or another, he serves as both my inspiration and motivation in probably everything I do.

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How would you describe your personal style?

I’m a chameleon. Most days, I’m in no makeup and painting clothes, happy to be cosy once I return home. But I have a pretty great shoe collection, and I have a few magic tricks to help me transform when I want to, which is really fun and expressive. It’s pretty fascinating how people respond differently to me based on how I present myself in the world. I like juxtaposing unexpected styles, and I appreciate the art of fashion and what it allows me to be in the world.

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