The world's most breathtaking bars

Lonely Planet has named the top 5 most breathtaking bars in the world. Combining our two favourite things: cocktails and travel - we present to you our version of heaven.

breathtaking bars

1. Sky Bar | Bangkok     

63 floors away from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok, guests are invited to enjoy an array of drinks and a view of the skyline

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2. T- Anker | Prague

With over 100 varieties of beer to choose from, T-Anker looks over the old town including Prague Castle.

breathtaking bars

3. Northern Lights | Reykjavik

The best time to visit this beauty is between May and October when you may get a chance to spot the all-natural light show – aurora borealis.

breathtaking bars

4. Baba Nest | Phuket

Baba nest is surrounded by an infinity pool with a 360-degree view of Thailand’s Phuket.

breathtaking bars

5. H.R Giger Museum Bar | Gruyeres

Inspired by Ridley Scott’s blockbuster film, Alien, this bar is plated with animal vertebrae, skull and bones.
