Order your meal using only emojis at this new restaurant

While it has always been considered a crime to have anything to do with your phone at the dinner table, this new restaurant breaks barriers by creating a menu consisting of literally just emojis.

Think: "I'll take the taco emoji with a side of the avocado emoji, thanks".

Nothing could feel more unnatural than ordering a meal with emoji's, but we have to give props to this new Indian restaurant, Gaggan, in Bangkok, Thailand for their innovative, Millennial-friendly idea.

Not surprisingly, the restaurant has been awarded Asia's Best Restaurant for the past three years. Their unique take on their menu along with exquisite delicacies has granted them this title again and again.

When dining, for $164 per person, you will be given a transparent menu including a list of 25 emojis, of which you will be served a mini course of each emoji. After all courses have been served, customers will be given a text-based menu that they can place under the transparent emoji menu to try and guess what it was they actually ate.

We know where we'll be heading the next time we head over to Thailand...
