We Chat To Upcoming Britain Pop Artist Griff

Singer, songwriter, producer and fashion icon? Griff is Britain’s upcoming Pop artist to keep an eye on this year. Remix chatted to the up-and-comer about songs, style and adulting.

Can you tell us your back story and what first inspired you to create music?

I was born and raised in church, so I guess I experienced live music in that sense every week. Then, it was when my dad got my older brother Logic; he got an Apple Mac with Logic on it, and I would just jump on it when my brother wasn’t using it. I would record myself and cover songs on it. Over the years, I started teaching myself how to produce a little bit, and I would write songs after school as a hobby.

I noticed you write and produce your own music as well. Could you share some insights into your creative process?

I’m so used to working by myself and making beats from my parents’ house. All the music up until this point, I wrote in that way. Then, I think post-COVID, I started going on tours, and it was a bit harder for me to have that solitude and time. Basically, in between tours, I would return to my parents’ house, pack up my little car with all my music equipment, and book an Airbnb. Over the years, I have stayed in eight different Airbnbs and converted the living rooms and kitchens into makeshift studios. That was my way of removing myself and getting away with my thoughts. So, that’s how all the music has been made and I wanted to release them in volumes because I felt like there was a bit of an emotional arc to tell with all of the songs. I wanted to give fans a lot of music.

You're on the verge of releasing a new album! Could you share the story or inspiration behind Vertigo with us?

It’s the first time I’m ever going to release an album, which is daunting and scary. I wanted to call it ‘Vertigo’.I guess the word ‘vertigo’ kind of resonates with me emotionally. The concept of emotional vertigo, and the world spinning fast, feeling super upside down and dizzy. That sensation is what I often feel like, and what growing up often feels like. I guess that’s the perspective that a lot of these songs have been written from. I’m really excited about them.

You’re going on a tour with this album, and Auckland is on the itinerary. Is there anything about New Zealand that you’re particularly excited about?

When I close my eyes, I think of New Zealand as just mountains and beaches and I’ve heard it’s just really beautiful...I also love Lorde.

What has been the highlight of your career as Griff so far?

Oh, that’s so hard to say. There are different highlights in different ways. Getting an award was a huge achievement; it was the first award I’d ever received. Even the BRIT awards and meeting Taylor and all that kind of crazy stuff, but honestly, I don’t know. Being on tour with Coldplay and working with Chris on music was really cool. Also, touring is amazing— I weirdly haven’t toured as my own headliner. I’ve spent so much time doing support, and I just came off my first European tour. It was such a surreal thing to hear people singing back my songs because I’m so used to being a support act and singing to people who don’t know who I am.

Do you have any musical idols that have inspired your music-making?

When I was really young, I was super inspired by (and raised on) Mary J.Blige, Lauryn Hill, and Alicia Keys. Then I discovered pop music, and I fell in love with Taylor Swift. As I got a bit older, it became Melanie Martinez and Lorde. Yeah, it just keeps evolving, and I get inspired by different bits.

Do you have a dream collab?

I don’t know, not really. I’m sure would love to collaborate with so many people, but no, I don’t think so. It’s too much pressure to put on one person. If someone wants to collaborate, then I’m in.

On a separate note, we admire your style! Do you curate your own looks or do you work with a stylist?

A bit of both — in the early days, I was making a lot of clothes and styling myself because I hated working with stylists. Then I found an amazing friend called Cam who helps me out and pulls all these huge dresses. Usually, what happens is he’ll send me a suitcase of dresses, tops, and skirts, and then I’ll just pull them out and try to throw them on my body in some way.

What inspires your style?

I’ve never had a style inspiration; I’ve always found that concept strange. I guess I get a lot of inspiration from street style. When I first fell in love with clothes, I found that the best inspiration would be to sit on the tube for ten minutes and look at everyone’s outfits.

Finally, how do you relax, recharge, and maintain balance in this industry?

I go to the pub with my friends. I just moved into a place by myself, so now I’m adulting. When I come off tour, it’s the brutal reality of doing my laundry and cooking, all that kind of stuff. So yeah, probably just the combination of hanging out with friends and adulting.

